Personal Branding: Building Your Online Presence With a Virtual Assistant

The Marketing Team

Branding is an essential part of business, and your personal image is vital to your brand’s success. This is where your virtual assistant comes in. OkayRelax lists down 9 things a VA can help you with to manage your online presence and build an effective personal brand.

There are numerous ways of defining what a brand is. It can be a logo or a product, or even an image you project. A personal brand, however, can be described as what people think of when they hear your name. It is what makes the likes of Steve Jobs and Richard Branson relevant. And in today’s business landscape, having a personal brand like them that radiates your uniqueness, your passion, and what you stand for is akin to having a strong online presence.

However, developing a reputation or a personal brand as someone of authority or an expert in your field takes a lot of time. Apart from having a likable image, establishing a bond, and gaining your audience’s trust; your best bet in creating a standout online presence could very well be in recruiting the right people on your team. And one of the best players you will definitely need with you in this challenge is an expert on all things digital such as a virtual assistant.

A virtual assistant is a self-employed worker who supports businesses remotely. As a key player in the virtual landscape, he or she can assist you in implementing effective online strategies for your business, such as building your online presence. Here are the different ways your virtual assistant can help build your brand and effectively get it across to your audience:

As your social media strategist.

Whether you have a social media strategy that’s already in place or just about to start with one, hiring an online personal assistant is a must for any business owner. Virtual assistants can either set up your online brand from scratch or find ways to improve it. He or she is the best person to manage your brand and steer it in the right direction.

By having a virtual assistant at the helm of your social media channels, you will be able to determine the needs of your brand and address them better. What’s more, your online personal assistant can direct you on how to improve your brand’s reach and encourage more online engagement. Determining which objectives to pursue and finding out what your competitors are doing are also two of the vital tasks your online assistant can do for you and your brand.

Apart from developing strategies, your virtual assistant can polish your online presence. From choosing the right cover photo to designing a cohesive look for all your channels, your virtual assistant empowers you with a more professional image that will make your brand stand out.

A virtual assistant, therefore, is an expert on how things work and how to orchestrate the various elements that will drive your brand to online success.

As your content researcher.

One of the most important tasks your virtual assistant can effectively do for you is research. As a social media assistant, your online personal assistant can identify the content that is right for your brand to post and the exact audience you should connect with. For any brand to be successful, though, it is not enough to post just any content. Your social media assistant, therefore, ensures your brand remains consistent in producing great content that gives value to people for them to consume your content and follow you.

With the use of a content calendar, your virtual assistant thoroughly plots the kind of content you will post, as well as, the exact time and day to best upload them. This way, you will be able to adjust your content accordingly and plan themes and topics efficiently.

To have an effective online presence means putting out the right content at the right time for the right target audience. Through intensive research, a virtual assistant facilitates this and more so that your brand can convince people to become your followers on social media and eventually, turn into your loyal customers.

As your content creator.

Without high quality and striking images, it is almost impossible for any brand to be successful in social media. Given that the majority of us are highly visual, a virtual assistant who has image and video editing skills is a business owner’s secret weapon.

An online assistant can create image posts and infographics, edit podcasts and videos, and link posts to other websites with the use of apps and software. He or she also can ascertain what makes a good and effective image to go with your content. Furthermore, a virtual assistant knows where to source high-quality images that are free on the internet. Additionally, by delegating this task to someone who might be more knowledgeable in this area, you will be able to focus on its effectiveness and performance.

In creating a feast for the eyes that will make people click on the links to your website or video channel, your social media assistant ensures that your online presence will be extremely hard to ignore.

As curator for your content.

While it is ideal to only have posts that are all-original, sharing content from reputable sources helps grow your online presence faster. A virtual assistant, therefore, finds and shares relevant content from influencers to your social media channels.

Your social media assistant goes through a list of online sources that provide appealing and unique content that is relevant to your brand and shares them in a blog post or newsletter. By doing so, he or she puts your brand in direct contact with influencers and their thousands of followers all over the world.

By having a virtual assistant who knows you from the inside out, you can be assured that you will be linked to those whom your brand will greatly benefit from.

As your copywriter and editor.

If a great image attracts attention for your brand, it is an excellent copy that makes sure that it stays.

A virtual assistant knows how to write compelling content that hooks people to click on your links and images. As a copywriter, your online assistant, crafts words that build excitement, encourage engagement, and turn people into followers and customers. By delegating this task to a virtual assistant who is well-versed in the language that people online gravitate to, your brand will greatly benefit from this increased click-through rate.

Aside from writing, your online assistant also edits and proofreads your content. Grammar and spelling mistakes aside, a dedicated social media assistant also safeguards that your content is fact-checked and plagiarism free. By ensuring that your brand page is free from errors, your virtual assistant elevates your brand to that of being professional and reliable.

As your repurposing manager.

As your brand grows, so does your content. A virtual assistant warrant that your content is easily discovered via search engines, is exciting enough to pique interest, and is helpful to be shared. And having a social media assistant who can do all these and make use of the content you already have is another reason to hire one.

A virtual assistant updates your content by repurposing them to become relevant to the times. From a podcast to a blog post or an image to a video, the possibilities are endless, and having a dedicated online assistant to do these and more makes for a very smart investment.

Great content is king. And having someone who knows your brand and recognizes its potential is key to staying on top of the game.

As your social media administrator.

While providing content that is fresh, interesting, and informative is a priority; a virtual assistant who is responsive to comments or direct messages is also an effective way to keep people interested in your brand.

When you give people special attention such as replying to their Facebook or blog comments or responding to their tweets; they are more likely to feel connected to your brand. A social media assistant encourages people to interact with your brand thru comments, questions, and even by sharing their experiences. Having active social media channels with the help of a virtual assistant is a sure way to get more interaction and a larger fan base.

Another task that an online assistant can do for you is to monitor what people are saying about your brand. By listening in on conversations among your followers, as well as, that of your competitors, your virtual assistant helps you determine how to best cater to your audience. When you know what people like and share, you can produce content that will garner more likes, shares, followers, and site visits.

Give your virtual assistant the flexibility to network with people for you by being your eyes and ears, and by engaging your audience on your behalf.

As your direct mail campaigner.

Another opportunity that you can explore to engage your audience is through email campaigns.

With the help of your virtual assistant, you can keep your followers engaged with your brand by sending emails regarding your latest offerings and promos. And because these are directly sent to people who already support your brand, you are more likely to make a sale by doing this. Your online assistant may also explore using email software that will allow him or her to reach out to people and follow up with them without doing so manually. Email campaigns, when used effectively, are known to increase sales and encourage brand loyalty.

Likewise, your virtual assistant upon executing your email campaign monitors and analyzes its results. By doing so, you will be able to determine if your campaign was done correctly and directed to the right audience. Were you able to reach the numbers you needed? Did your page visits and sales go up? These are just some of the vital information that your online assistant can gather for you.

When you employ a virtual assistant, you can be assured that your campaigns are not only properly implemented, but are carefully evaluated, as well. This in effect, will not just save you money, but will also guide you in your subsequent email endeavors.

As your liaison officer.

One of the most essential factors of a successful business is a strong network. And enlisting your virtual assistant to help you with building yours is an effective way of doing this.

An online assistant helps you build relationships with like-minded people in your industry by reaching out to them on your behalf. They can do this by either emailing them using your account or setting up regular teleconference calls for you. What’s more, your virtual assistant can also connect your brand with influential people while you focus on producing content that’s of high quality and value

With the help of a virtual assistant, you can get people to talk about your brand, interact with you, and support you. Building a strong online presence, therefore, takes more than just being available but more so by establishing relationships with your market, your peers, and the people you work with.

Having a dedicated professional on your team such as a virtual assistant makes a huge difference in your quest to establish a solid online presence. And availing quality virtual assistant services, therefore, is one of the best investments you can make for you and your brand. Let OkayRelax connect you with the right virtual assistant to address your needs now.