If a task was easy, why would you need to have someone else do it for you?
Are you one of those who are surprised to find out that data entry is one of the most in-demand remote jobs? Here are four other critical points on data entry that might surprise you even more:
- Easy does not mean unimportant
- Not everyone can do data entry
- There are different types of data entry
- Data entry jobs started in the 1890s and have remained a crucial part of any business
Want to know more about Data Entry Virtual Assistants? We’ve come up with a comprehensive guide on what they are, what they do, and how you can hire one.
What is data entry?

As the name suggests, data entry is entering information and updating data into electronic forms.
It is the process of inputting data directly into a database using word processing software and devices such as a mouse, stylus, keyboard, or touch screen. It is organizing relevant data clearly and concisely to be easily understood and accessed by others.
Data entry jobs usually fall under two categories:
- Straight data entry – which entails transferring information in textual and numeral forms to a database.
- Transcript data entry – requires inputting different data types in texts or numbers and audio and video files, images, and live conversations.
Below are some of the industries that are known to make good use of data entry:
- Services
- Sales
- Health
- Real Estate
- Legal
- Hospitality
At first glance, data entry jobs may seem non-strategic compared to other tasks. However, we should note that it must have an accurate, complete, and updated database for any endeavor to be profitable. One way to ensure this is by hiring a data entry virtual assistant.
What is a data entry virtual assistant?

A Data Entry Virtual Assistant (DEVA) is a virtual assistant whose primary duty is to enter data into a client’s database.
They safeguard vital information by collecting, itemizing, and moving them from one format to another. As the data entry expert, a DEVA must ensure that the data is clear, concise, and within reach by those who need it.
What’s more, they commit to following the latest data entry norms, quality management, data security, and confidentiality. A DEVA may also serve as the first point of contact for customers and business partners.
A data entry job is not something anyone can easily do. There is more to it than just mindlessly typing figures and numbers. And as data entry is considered the initial step to business and marketing intelligence processes, the data entry virtual assistant plays an integral part in any business’s success.
Different names of a data entry virtual assistant.

Virtual assistants wear many hats.
More so for data entry virtual assistants whose tasks go beyond just entering data into a client’s database. Here are some of the other job classifications these experts are known as:
- Data Entry Clerk
- Database Administrator
- Data Entry Assistant
- Encoder
- Keyboard Operator
- Typesetter
- Secretary
- Copyist
- Scribe
- Online Assistant
The 10 most essential skills for a data entry virtual assistant.

Above average typing skills.
One of the reasons companies hire an extra workforce is to save time. A data entry virtual assistant needs to key in a massive amount of information in the shortest time possible.
Some companies require their DEVAs to meet the minimum typing speed of 40-50 words per minute. Others, however, may be more stringent by hiring only those who can type no less than 70 words per minute.
Speed, though, is not the only parameter for this. A DEVA must also maintain a balance between typing fast and typing accurately. Precision is as much a key factor as being quick in this role.
Proficiency in computer programs.
A data entry specialist needs an aptitude for using a wide range of computer software programs. As a data entry specialist, you will work primarily on spreadsheets such as MS Excel.
But that’s not all. You must also be adept at learning and using other database software types depending on your client’s industry. Other frequently used programs by data entry virtual assistants are word processors and Customer Relationship Management systems.
Additionally, DEVAs need to be comfortable and knowledgeable in handling computer hardware such as printers and scanners.
Great communication skills.
A data entry virtual assistant does not work alone. They are usually part of a team whose job is to ensure that data is collected, recorded, and uploaded onto their portal. Communicating effectively, whether verbally or through writing, is needed in all aspects of this job.
What’s more, businesses depend on the accuracy of the data that DEVA encodes. Thus, communication skills should be on a high level to avoid any room for mistakes.
Excellent organizational skills.
Time is essential in any business. This is where a data entry virtual assistant with exceptional organizational and time management skills comes in.
A DEVA plans to prioritize and complete his or her work goals in the shortest possible time. They must also know how to multitask from typing fast to sorting and archiving data wholly and accurately. Additionally, DEVAs should have the focus and discipline to follow a schedule and meet deadlines.
A company’s database is its treasure. It is imperative that all data must be clear, complete, and updated.
An effective DEVA knows to double-check or even triple-check all data for possible errors in grammar and spelling, among others. They must also correct and update all relevant information should there be a need. Intensely focusing on details provides the data entry specialist with the capability to ensure its database accuracy.
Data collection skills.
Some data entry specialists act as the first point of contact for customers and business partners. At the same time, others expect to conduct initial research and data collection.
Depending on the industry, data entry virtual assistants need to do interviews, online or library research, and market research. What’s more, DEVAs must also discern where to get reliable sources of information and analyze and understand them before entering these into the database.
High concentration levels.
Data entry duties are primarily repetitive, which can feel monotonous at times. A data entry assistant must have the patience and the ability to focus on the tasks at hand.
When dealing with figures and a deluge of information, you need a keen mind to center on even the minutest of details. A DEVA with a high concentration level can ensure the integrity of the database they are working on.
Knowledge in database structure.
Basic knowledge of the structure of a database, its design, uses, and how it fits in the work process is a must for this job. Being adept at the tools and how to use the various platforms are requirements as well. A data entry virtual assistant who knows all these will be capable of the challenges this job brings.
Critical thinking.
There is more to a data entry job than merely typing in information. A DEVA must have the ability to understand critical details to maintain an effective database. Additionally, they must distinguish data that needs to be changed, removed, or corrected. A data entry specialist’s documentation skills also fall on one’s capacity to solve problems.
Lastly, a data entry virtual assistant is someone who knows the importance of confidentiality. They will be handling various data that include relevant personal and business information. Further, a DEVA needs to understand the implication of mismanaged or lost data.
What can a data entry virtual assistant do?

Here are six standard services that data entry virtual assistants can do for you:
- Data Entry
- Prepares data and proper categorization according to your specifications (e.g., alphabetically arranged, according to location, time modified, etc.)
- Creates spreadsheets and reports
- Data Conversion
- Converts data from one format to another, such as paper to digital design, audio, or video to form, then to digital, etc.
- Transfers information to certain documents
- Data Processing
- Formats business documents, processes data, reproduces records, and checks for accuracy using Information Processing Software and applications
- Data Transcription
- Adapts information into codes using their understanding of terms from specific industries, such as in the medical or legal fields
- Data Typing
- Inputs data using their exceptional typing skills
- Reads through documents to check for accuracy and completeness
- Data Management
- Maintains a database by managing information like company records, controlling who has access to it, and ensuring that it is regularly updated
You can also check our comprehensive guide with a complete list of virtual assistant services in 2021 for additional information here.
How much does a data entry virtual assistant make?

A data entry virtual assistant receives their pay using a wide range of payment structures such as per hour, per piece, per keystroke per minute, per project, etc. The average hourly rate for data entry specialists in the US is $19.02 per hour. However, it can go as high as $35.10 per hour or as low as $8.65, depending on the following factors:
- Status as an employee or as an independent contractor
- Difficulty or skill level required for the task or position
- Speed and timeline
What are the benefits of hiring a data entry virtual assistant?

As with other virtual assistants, an assistant who is an expert in data entry is an investment to your company. Aside from the skills and expertise they bring in, here are some more reasons for you to have one in your team.
A data entry specialist will…
Give you time.
When you have someone to take care of your company’s non-essential tasks, it allows you and your employees to focus on your primary roles. Business owners can take on the activities that directly grow your company, and your staff can fulfill their duties. For example, instead of spending time collating and entering information into your database, your marketer can develop marketing campaigns and strategies.
Time is gold, and with a DEVA in your team, your business can earn more of it and achieve more.
Organize your database.
Would you still need a data entry virtual assistant when you already have a database in place in your company? Yes.
When you hire a DEVA, you not only have someone who can gather and sort data for you, you also bring in novelty and help that will look into your systems and data. They can suggest how to improve your platform by streamlining it and making it more efficient.
Keep your company records safe.
Your database is your treasure. It not only holds data on your customers, business partners, and suppliers, but also all the relevant information about your company.
A dedicated data entry specialist in your team can record and keep pertinent documents about, for, and by your business, whether they are private or confidential.
Save you money.
Aside from being a cost-effective way of hiring extra staffing, a data entry virtual assistant helps you save money.
By maintaining a database that holds your company’s tangible and intangible assets, a DEVA allows you to make informed decisions concerning inventory, machinery, equipment, and even copyrights, patents, and investments.
Improve your product or service.
Hiring a data entry specialist to gather data on your clients or customers enables you to improve your product or services. Your company will use the information that your DEVA gathers and sorts into your database in so many different ways. For example, you can either adjust your products to fit your customers’ needs more or develop a marketing campaign that will resonate more with your target market using the information on your database.
Ensure your growth.
A data entry virtual assistant can ensure your company’s growth in 2 ways.
When you delegate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, your employees will be better motivated to do their duties. A salesperson will be more focused on making a sale rather than being stuck at his desk inputting figures. Same with medical staff who may be inclined to deal with patients instead of doing paperwork directly.
On the other hand, using the information from the database that your DEVA maintains, you can make sound decisions, especially on endeavors that can add to your company’s profitability.
Give you peace of mind.
When you have a data entry virtual assistant, your company records are secure, your employees are motivated, you can be more profitable and save money, and you have time to focus on growing your company.
All these are more than enough to make any entrepreneur have the peace of mind that he can lead his company to greater heights.
Essentially, here are three things that define your business when you have a data entry virtual assistant:
- Life is easier because you have someone you can depend on to do the “easy” tasks
- Growth is within reach because you have a database that is clear, concise, and updated
- A team works because each one is essential to the process
How to hire a data entry virtual assistant?

There are two options on how you can hire a data entry virtual assistant.
One is to employ one directly through numerous freelance sites online. And the other is to get an agency to provide you with a data entry expert who fits your needs and budget.
Whether you choose to connect with one on your own via an online job marketplace or with the help of an agency, you must understand the particulars of employing remote workers. Find one of the top virtual assistant services companies by looking at who can offer cost-effective and efficient services.
OkayRelax, with its controlled and strict screening process and intensive training program, is one such company.
OkayRelax allows you the convenience to choose between a monthly or annual setup with specialized pricing according to the number of tasks you need.
Packages start at only 29.95 USD. Check out our website for the complete list of affordable virtual assistant packages and rates.
Now, let us know what kind of data entry virtual assistant services are you going to try? Leave us a message on our contact page or chat with us to let us know. We’ll be happy to assist you!